

May 16, 2023

Sheffield Crown Court: Two jailed for over 31 years for making machine guns for gangs

Sibusiso Moyo, age 41 and Christopher Gill, 35, were jailed at Sheffield Crown Court after being convicted of manufacturing the firearms after police found the deadly plastic weapons in the back of a BMW.

Video revealed how police swooped on the car that Majeed Rehman, 46, an associate of the pair, had been driving on May 17 last year in Bradford.



And they discovered an 'FGC9' homemade automatic sub-machine gun, magazine and bullets hidden in a supermarket bag-for-life in the rear footwell of the car.

Police performed the stop on the vehicle after surveillance showed a man, later identified as Gill, get into the BMW while carrying the shopping bag. Raids on Gill's property, led by the Yorkshire and Humber Regional Organised Crime Unit, found two further almost complete FGC9s in a holdall hidden in his loft.

When Moyo was later arrested, evidence showed he'd been manufacturing FGC9s at his home in Hull where he had two 3D printers and parts to make weapons.

Officers found tools and parts, including springs and screws, that could be used to make the guns as shown in an online manual at his address.



Disturbingly, one of the weapons recovered had an image of an arm holding a curved sword with what appears to be blood dripping from its blade imprinted on its side.

Evidence also showed firearms at various stages of construction in Moyo's Kitchen and garage, as well as inside Gill's home address.

Moyo's DNA was also found on the weapon taken from the BMW.

Sheffield Crown Court heard forensic firearms experts based at the Royal Armouries in Leeds had tested the seized items and confirmed they were viable firearms. It's thought the 3D-printed assault weapons were the first of their kind ever seized by police in the UK.

Moyo, of Hull was found guilty of illegally manufacturing a firearm and a separate identity fraud offence following a trial, was jailed for 18 years.



Gill, of Bradford, who was found guilty of illegally manufacturing a firearm, was jailed for 13 years and 8 months.

Speaking after the sentencing in Sheffield, Senior Investigating Officer DCI Andrew Howard, of the Yorkshire and Humber Regional Organised Crime Unit, said 3D guns posed a "real threat".

He said: "Our investigation found that Sibusiso Moyo and Christopher Gill followed detailed instructions and systematically bought items used to manufacture and construct these deadly firearms and ammunition.

"They demonstrated levels of sophistication in the manufacture processes and successfully produced viable firearms.



"Majeeb Rehman a close criminal associate, was found guilty of distributing one of the viable FGC9, a 3D printed firearm with an ammunition clip containing eight live rounds of ammunition.

"Manufacture of viable 3D printed firearms is a real threat and these firearms were built for one purpose only, to be supplied to other organised criminals who would use them to inflict harm."

"We are determined to keep the public safe by tackling those that chose to manufacture these lethal weapons, said DCI Howard.

Rehman, from Bradford, was found guilty of possession of ammunition and conspiracy to transfer a prohibited firearm. He will be sentenced at a later date.